Finding Joy with Susan

Life's pretty funny when you look closely!

7 20-Second Things to do While Washing Your Hands (That aren’t Happy Birthday)

In response to the recent COVID-19 outbreaks across the world, I’ve come across a number of articles and even some memes saying that everyone should wash their hands for at least 20 seconds.  Many people choose to sing “Happy Birthday” twice, which is completely acceptable, but does get a little old after a while.  So without further ado, here are some alternative 20-second things to do while washing your hands!

1) Sing this twice (to the tune of “Happy Birthday”): No Corona for me, No Corona for me, I wash my hands often so I stay germ free!

2) Mentally write your grocery list.  You likely need a few things, and if you’re anything like me it takes more than 20 seconds to figure out exactly what those things are.  Feel free to write it down once you’ve dried your hands.  BONUS:  if you do this every time you wash your hands, you may end up committing it to memory!

3) Have that argument you’ve been meaning to have with your neighbor who keeps letting their dog poop in your yard/throwing their trash in your yard/blasting their music throughout the apartment building.  Make sure this is a grievance that wasn’t caused by the quarantine, as many people are having to adjust to staying home all day now.  Also make sure you win to give yourself a positive for the day!

4) Give a mini lecture to yourself (or your pet if they’re with you) on something you really enjoy.  For example, I often give myself a lecture on something pertaining to my field of study so that I don’t forget the little details.  It can be as simple as stating one fact and then connecting it to other facts.  The longer you talk, the longer you wash your hands.

5) Play a game of “I Spy” (particularly useful if there are young children present).  You can play by yourself too by making a list of things to find (something blue, something fuzzy, something shiny, etc.) and sticking it somewhere near the sink.

6) Interview yourself about your accomplishments for the day.  This is usually best done as an evening hand washing activity, but it gives you a way to reflect on your day for a little while and think about the positives.  If you journal, you can then use what you came up with during the 20 seconds as a writing prompt.

7) Pick your favorite show tune or Disney song and sing at least the first verse and first chorus.  Bonus points if you do this while in public (which hopefully you are not).

Feel free to do these out loud or in your head.  If you’re out and about (again, hopefully everyone is staying home as much as they can), I would suggest the “in your head” option, but you do you. 

Also please remember to wash your hands frequently, but especially in the following situations:

  1. You’ve been outside.
  2. You’ve been to the store.
  3. You are about to eat.
  4. You just went to the bathroom.
  5. You have finished unboxing whatever you ordered online (remember the virus can live on surfaces for a while).
  6. You’ve touched someone else.

So please everyone, stay inside, don’t touch your face, and WASH YOUR HANDS!!!

Oh, and here’s a link to the official CDC handwashing page: