Finding Joy with Susan

Life's pretty funny when you look closely!

Understanding the US Election System, Part 2: Battleground States

Battleground states, also known as swing states, are states that have the have the potential to turn the election in favor of one candidate, depending on how their voters vote.  I find them a little difficult to understand, since the states designated as battleground states seem to change every election.  That said, let’s spend a […]

Spot the Difference: Analyzing Trump’s Visit to Kenosha

Amidst the frankly awful situation the United States is in now, I’ve noticed that there is a severe lack of unbiased news available to people.  Honestly, it’s infuriating.  It’s so difficult to find out what’s true anymore, and people tend to take the first thing they find on a subject at face value.  While this […]

As if College Orientation Wasn’t Already Bad Enough…

…I threw up at mine…just off the sidewalk…as all of the other participants walked by. In hindsight, this story is pretty funny, but it certainly wasn’t while I was actually there.  My orientation was one of the first experiences I’d had at a university with people other than my high school classmates or my family.  […]

25 Things to do Whilst Quarantined

Like many Americans, I am currently working from home and trying to maintain my sanity.  As of today, I haven’t left the house for anything other than to go walk around my neighborhood in a week and a half.  As an introvert, this is fine for me.  I have a window opened, I can wear […]

The List…

… of places I’ve been sick. If you read “Why I Started Finding Joy with Susan”, you’ll likely know about the List.  This List is a collection of places I’ve been sick over the years.  “But Susan,” you ask.  “Why on earth would you keep track of those sorts of things?  Why would you want […]

Counteracting Dark Magic: Sorting Your Laundry Properly

Is this you?  Have you put your white load of laundry in, only to find that some red intruder turned your clothing pink?  “What dark magic is this?” you think to yourself, secretly cursing the Dryer Monster who steals your socks for returning the red one at a very inconvenient time. The best way to […]

Have You Been Sick at the Dentist’s Office?

No? I have… Although the exact date is a little fuzzy, I want to say it was when I was in eighth grade that this particular tale of woe occurred.  Let’s start with a bit of background, shall we?  I got my baby teeth rather slowly as a young child.  As a result, I also […]