Counteracting Dark Magic: Sorting Your Laundry Properly

Is this you?  Have you put your white load of laundry in, only to find that some red intruder turned your clothing pink?  “What dark magic is this?” you think to yourself, secretly cursing the Dryer Monster who steals your socks for returning the red one at a very inconvenient time. The best way to […]

Have You Been Sick at the Dentist’s Office?

No? I have… Although the exact date is a little fuzzy, I want to say it was when I was in eighth grade that this particular tale of woe occurred.  Let’s start with a bit of background, shall we?  I got my baby teeth rather slowly as a young child.  As a result, I also […]

Wizardry 101: How to fold a fitted sheet flat!

Want to impress your friends with a cool party trick?  Some sleight of hand perhaps?  Something that leaves them both perplexed and looking for more?  This is not the trick for you. Folding a fitted sheet is legitimate magic.  Only a select few of us have been apprenticed in the art of “neat folding,” and […]